Thursday, August 7, 2008


People call it reaping what you sew or karma, but whatever it is called I believe in it.

Roll mental camera…

My post Dress Up explained how my sister used to dress me up when I was a wee tyke. On one of these days she had me in one of mom’s long nightgowns when I finally had had enough. I bolted like a greyhound from the gates. But she was like a hound after a rabbit and closed the gap fast. We rounded a corner and she stepped on the gown. I tripped and fell with a


My nose met her doll house at mach 4. My nose lost the battle. Two black eyes and a deviated septum later I was all better.

A while after that I decided to get my revenge on my sister. I was pushing her down the street in a wagon and forced her into the curb and as she tipped over and fell out she broke her arm on the curb. Revenge is sweet.

I am totally kidding about the revenge part, her hitting the curb was a total accident. I never meant to hurt her like she never meant to hurt me. Some could still say she had it coming LOL.

Even though the story wasn’t really a Galatians 6:7 “reap what you sew,” the picture holds true. Whatever you put out there is like a big ole boomerang. I am trying to make sure what I am flinging out there won’t hurt when it comes back and hits me in the back of the head.

Are your boomerangs of the Nerf variety or something out of “The Road Warrior”? (you might need to rent the movie if you don’t remember that wicked boomerang)

Did you ever unleash the fury on a sibling (by accident or not)?


Robin Meadows said...

Good one, Roger...and something I fully believe in as well.

Kim Heinecke said...

I'm not too mean now. But as a kid, I used to punish my sister...

Anonymous said...

my best memory of my older brother was the time he walked side by side with me to confront a bully. We never talk now.
"I am trying to make sure what I am flinging out there won’t hurt when it comes back and hits me in the back of the head."
Ah control. Don't we all want it no matter how badly it turns out?(grin)

Theresa said...

I warn my kids that you reap what you sow. That sometimes you actually do get what you give. Good and bad.

I not only remember and love Road Warrior but....Mad Max was one of my all time favorite Cult movies. Did you ever see Buckaroo Bonzai? That was another of my favorites from that same time period.