Thursday, April 17, 2008


Love my sister, always have loved my sister. But didn’t really like her much when she…

Roll mental camera…

Made me be the mannequin for her dress up parties. I must have been no more than 3 or 4. I’m not sure if I actually remember this or have just seen too many pictures and heard too many stories. But I outgrew her a few years after this so I couldn’t have been much older.

I used to stand there and pout while she draped all kinds of outfits on me. I would usually make it until she would pull out the frilly girl stuff and then I was out of there. The clothes were big on me and so I had a hard time getting them off fast enough to escape. I sure couldn’t defend myself from the make up attacks with my arms buried under layers of frill. Running away was usually a fool’s errand because the clothes were always longer than I was tall, causing me to trip.

That is the way I feel now when I think about how I wear my spiritual armor. I am just a boy playing dress up. The helmet of salvation flopping down over my eyes… The breastplate of righteousness hanging all crooked… Have to cut an extra hole in the belt of truth so it will fit… Can just barely lift the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit…

But hey that is OK, for now. I manage pull it all together when I need to. I have a bunch of people who have my back and sides so I don’t have to worry there. Plus I always have the Big Man in my corner. The armor may not fit perfect but it least it is on and I plan on keeping it there. I hope to grow into all of it one day.

Do you feel your armor is on tight or are you still a bit clumsy in it?

Do you have enough people in your army to help defend you?

Who else got tormented by an older sibling?

(Just to be fair I did my fair share of tormenting her, so don’t feel too sorry for me.)


Heidi said...

Wow.. I have a big sister like that too. But she locked me a suitcase!! and cut my hair.. not just a smidgin either :) But I was no angel either!!

I do have wonderful wonderful people in my corner.

My armor does get a little faded, dusty, but I remember that without it? I can't make it out alone.

I can't.... Its my protection and my strength and wisdom all in one shot.

Robin Meadows said...

Just trying to make sure mine doesn't get rusty...still growing into it!

Great post, Roger.

Just my sis and I...I tormented her plenty ; )

Kim Heinecke said...

I applied the "instruction" to my younger sister. That pest.

My armor feels flimsy at times...when I wear the one I personally made from tin foil. God's armor is so much better.

Natalie Witcher said...

JT and I joke about how he has a really big shield of faith and I have a giant sword. My shield looks more like Wonder Womans bracelets.

Unknown said...

WOW! That was a great post. I definately feel like I am in need of a tailor for my suit, or else I need to start working out to make it fit in all of the right places, there are definately parts that fit way too loose on me.

I have an older sister and had to go through the same type of stuff:)

Anonymous said...

this is cute... I have definitely been the recipient as well as the "giver" of such attacks.
Good stuff...sorry I've been absent from the world of blogging, I'm slowly coming around.