Monday, April 28, 2008


I wrote before about how much I enjoyed playing in the mud as a kid. Growing up doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying it especially if you have a 4 wheel drive to add to the mix.

Roll mental camera…

In college, my buddies and I used to go to the lake and try to bury their 4 wheel drives in the mud. I didn’t own a 4 wheel drive vehicle so I lived vicariously in the back seat. Being a veteran backseat driver I would scream for them to go faster, hit that huge mud pit, scale that boulder and launch off that cliff. Sometimes they would listen, but this story is when they didn’t.

I was riding with a novice to the mud in his brand new Jeep. We approached a mud pit that I knew very well. I told him to get up some speed and keep on the gas as he hit the mud. The guy seemed bought in and hit the pedal. We were gaining speed and approaching the pit. Just as we entered the mud he chickened out and let off the gas. BIG HUGE MISTAKE.

If he would have kept up speed we would have skipped over the top of the mud. Since he let off the gas we lost all momentum and sank. As we started to sink the driver freaked out and floored it trying to save his new Jeep. I screamed for him to stop but he didn’t listen and BANG! He threw a rod in his engine.

We had to tow the car back to the city. Figuring the warranty would cover the engine, he towed the Jeep to a car wash to hide the evidence of misuse. Thinking he had cleaned the engine well enough he dropped it off at the dealership to be fixed. He was getting away with it until the mechanic opened the engine and found a cylinder full of mud. Needless to say they didn’t cover it under warranty.

I act just like that driver sometimes. I totally ignore what I am supposed to do. Yea maybe what I am supposed to do is scary or difficult, but that is no excuse to chicken out. Then I go and try to cover it all up. Maybe I try to wash it all away by doing good deeds. Or I might just ignore it ever happened. In hind sight it is always easier to keep on the gas.

Do you find yourself letting off the gas pedal and sinking in the mud?

Do you hit the spiritual car wash to hide it or make yourself feel better?

Ever seen a two week old car buried in four feet of mud?


Natalie Witcher said...

I've driven my pretty little self in many a sink hole. It ain't pretty.

Kim Heinecke said...

I have a punch card at that car wash...

deleise said...

Hate those darn mud pits.

Theresa said...

Sometimes when I feel vulnerable I will let off the gas. Those times are usually when something is shown to me that I don't feel qualified enough to know. But the Lord is my car wash. He reminds me that I am his and that he loves me. His love cleans my soul thankfully.

Anonymous said...

You always have such insightful stories...good one...definitely have let off & found myself burried, uggg!

Unknown said...

Regardless of our experience "in the mud" for most of us, it is necessary to just keep our foot on the gas whether it be before or after we realize the mess we are in or about to be in....sometimes it is the only way we can learn!!