Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So I guess this is like the blog version of a chain letter. I hate the email versions but this is a pretty cool way to get to know someone. Sorry to the people I tagged if you didn't want to be tagged. But hey I want to know, so spill it... Thanks to Teresa for tagging me

Here are the rules:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player tags 5 people and posts their name, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What was I doing 10 years ago:
Ten years ago I was in the third year of marriage to my lovely wife Shelly and we were expecting our first son Connor. I was debating on whether or not I should leave retail mortgage lending for the broker world. Man I had a lot of wasted time on my hands back then

Five Snacks I enjoy:
In a perfect, non weight-gaining world (and if I could eat dairy):
1. Queso, queso and more queso
2. Pizza
3. Chocolate cake (no icing)
4. Cereal drowning in milk
5. McDonald’s, Sonic or Braum’s double cheeseburgers

In the real world:
1. I am a spin doctor
2. I don’t hold back
3. I am a night owl
4. I coach my son’s in all kinds of sports
5. I like a good adventure

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. I would start an organization that would pair up younger people with lonely older people. Kind of Big Brother/Big Sister in reverse. There are too many lonely people in this world
2. I would start a ministry where people can get clean and work at the same time. They learn a trade and upon graduation could work at a company I set up.
3. I would take my wife and kids to see the mountains

Five jobs that I have had:
1. Installed office furniture
2. Rented cars
3. Mortgage loan officer
4. Business to business sales
5. President of a title and escrow company

Three of my habits:
1. I am a blackberry/crackberry addict
2. I hit my snooze button way too many times
3. I have a tendency to take over cooking for my wife (not sure she minds)

Five place I have lived:
1. Oklahoma City, OK
2. Shiprock, NM (with the Navajos for three months I will tell that story later)
3. Stillwater, OK (college)
4. Edmond, OK
5. sorry only 4

What do you want others to get from your blog:
Mostly just to make people laugh. People don’t do it enough. They can laugh at me or with me I don’t care as long as they just do it. If they get a swift kick in the pants along the way that works too.

Five People I Want to Get to Know Better:
(a nice way of saying TAG!)
But don't feel obligated! Just do it if you want to.
1. Justin
2. Matt
3. Jessica
4. Gina
5. Scott


Robin Meadows said...

Learned a bit more about you! Thanks for sharing.

Kim Heinecke said...

you've got the laughter part down well

Amy said...

Hey roger, this is Amy (your neighborhood and Konnect friend). I started a blog!!! Come check it out.

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm impressed... only really lived in Oklahoma! You do provide a good laugh.

Theresa said...

You make me laugh all the time. In fact you are my first stop on Friday mornings.

Check out Amy's blog...She is the starter of the Chain. :) She tagged Deleise and Deleise tagged me and I tagged you!! Fun isn't it!!

Abbi said...

Small world! (isn't blogging cool like that?!) My grandma lives near York (Bradshaw) and my Dad got his masters at UNK. Cool. Good to get to know you better!