Thursday, April 24, 2008


Being young and full of wonder just seems like a heck of a good time. I love watching my sons with their heads buried firmly in the clouds.

Roll Mental Camera...

Connor was in the bath tub this evening wiggling a tooth that is loose and talking out loud about how long it might be before it comes out. He decided to chew on some ice in an attempt to pop it out. After a few big chunks out pops a tooth. Wow it actually worked. But the funny thing is it wasn't the one he was wiggling earlier. Don't worry he didn't damage a good tooth, it was just another one that was ready but wasn't wiggling just yet.

He immediately went from the awe of losing the tooth to the horror of seeing his own blood and then excitement for the tooth fairy. Oh he was jacked up about that. Nothing better than free money. No work involved, just easy money.

He didn't even question the fairies existence just knew she was coming. I am still waiting for the day that he starts to ask about all those mystical beings. I see way too many kids grow up way to fast. I think keeping their little minds open to a wild imagination is so important. They have the rest of their lives to grow up. Why start now. I am just not sure what I am going to say when he asks if they are real.

Is continuing to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy and an egg laying bunny OK for a 9 year old, how about 13, when is too old?

What would or did you tell your kid when they finally asked the big question?

Can't kids just stay kids for a while longer?


deleise said...

We do all of this stuff. It doesn't interfere with our faith and we don't make it the main focus of our holiday or anything, it's just fun. We have found that our kids don't ask about it when they start to question. They figure it out and then they still want to play along, so they do. I have gotten from a 12 year old "Mom, if you see the tooth fairy, remind her not to forget this time that I have a tooth out." It's all in fun and they like the fun. I know a lot of people think it is wrong to play these games and I understand that, but for our family it is just not that deep. It's just silly fun. We'll keep it going forever. My parents still fill stockings for us at their house and act like they have no idea how they got there.

Robin Meadows said...

We're like Deleise on this. Our kids have even written notes to the absent-minded tooth fairy explaining that having to wait an additional night will cost double! LOL

Same with Santa---I think last year was the first year we didn't leave Santa cookies and hot chocolate (our youngest is 13).

Anonymous said...

Sheena is all about these fun childhood memories. I was skeptical initially but I think I can just lead the family in the right way in saying these are just fun things we do for these occasions. As for Santa, we just need to make sure Christ is the center of our lives and of Christmas....It'll all be good. Good post Rog

Natalie Witcher said...

I told them way young that none of those things were real. I dunno, we just did it. JT was devestated when he found out Santa wasn't real. He didn't want to do that to the girls, so now they know we get them everything. Oh, but there is definitly NO EASTER BUNNY! Above all of them, the easter bunny is a huge "he ain't real" becuase we don't want anything taking away from what that weekend is really all about. At least Santa comes from a real dude who helped people. No bunnnies for us!

Kim Heinecke said...

We don't do the make believe folks but it doesn't bug me for people to do it. My kids still play the game but sometimes it's even funnier because we all know "the secret". My son said last month, "Look, I'm going to take a shower and if you see the tooth fairy around here, she better have my $1 waiting when I get out...and I'm not kidding, mom"