Tuesday, April 15, 2008


OK, so it was one dog and he wasn’t from hell but the kids from the neighborhood sure thought he was.

Roll mental camera…

So my dad was a genius with a blow torch. Well more like a mad scientist. When I was a kid he decided to take the parts of multiple jungle gyms, swing sets and even a washing machine, and with his blow torch, erect the most incredible and inexplicable behemoth of playing wonderment. This thing could keep an entire troop of Chinese acrobats busy for hours. All the kids from the block couldn’t wait to play on it.

Enter hound from hell stage left, it was our dog Kippy (scary name I know). Kippy was harmless enough but being an Irish Wolfhound mix, he was HUGE and scared the pants off people. He would also tackle and lick the face off of any person that entered the backyard. So I would sacrifice myself to Kippy so my friends could sneak by and get up on the monstrosity we called a jungle gym. Good friend huh?

Sacrificing myself for a friend became harder and harder to do as I got older. I have now reversed that trend and am trying my best to jump in harms way to help a friend. I still am struggling with doing it for people I don’t know that may need it more. But I am getting there.

How likely are you to throw yourself to the hounds to save a friend?

How about a stranger that may really need help?

Did you have a pet that covered you in slobbery love as a kid?


Heidi said...

Friends too me are family...
I can meet you once and I already know your name and what you do. That quick.

Helping a friend?? many times. People matter to God and they matter to me.

The pet that would lick, yeah Joey the persian cat. First he would knead my chest and then give me a face bath. As I got older the more I resented it. I always told my mom that Joey should have been a Julia. He was so girly!!!

Theresa said...

I put myself out there to strangers. But I usually pick the safe ones. Like the senior citizens that need help in the grocery store or the child that is alone at the school parking lot waiting for his parents. I wish that I could release myself from the fear and help other people that aren't as safe.

I love your mental camera!! Don't think I have told you that lately.

Unknown said...

I like to think that I would be the hero or the one that jumps in the way of harm to save a friend...or a stranger for that matter, but I guess I will just have to wait and see(as far as phsically doing it..jumping in the way). I have gotten in friends faces before to "save them" from other things and I am pretty sure it paid off.Then again there have been many people in my life that have done the same for me, those people make great friends!!!

I still have 2 dogs that love to cover me in slobber!!!

Kim Heinecke said...

I love all single moms.
I don't want to be licked by dogs or children. (babies not included.)

Robin Meadows said...

This is a tough one...one that I've recently about often. I'm sort of with Theresa on this one. I'm not sure how far I'm willing to go...how much I'm willing to loose. Maybe if it only affected me and not my family? Lots to think on here, Roger.

Anonymous said...

For a friend, in a minute. For a stranger? God is still working on me - kind of depends on the situation. No drooly pets as a child, just now. All 85 pounds of him.

Natalie Witcher said...

Depends on the friend! HA!

deleise said...

Good question. I think it depends for me. And it shouldn't.