Monday, September 29, 2008


There has been a lot of talk lately about the raising of men, as opposed to raising boys. Lots of books being written like "Raising a Modern Day Knight" by Robert Lewis and one I really want to read "The Broken American Male" by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

It is not that I mind my boys staying kids as long as they can, because I don't. But when they do grow up I want them to be mentally and physically strong Christ followers. I also want them to be confident in what they do. But where do you draw the line between trusting in the Lord and trusting in themselves?

I heard Rabbi Boteach speak on the 700 club not to long ago and I agree with many things he says about our male youth. He said that many young males are being psychologically castrated when they are young and grow up not knowing how to be a man.

I think God placed us on this earth to be a warrior, and it is up to all of us fathers and mothers to make sure that we keep that spirit alive. I want my sons to be able to stand in the face of adversity and know that their faith in God and determination will lead them through. (All the while being a gentlemen, because you don't have to be a chauvinistic pig to be a warrior.)

Can I have an AMEN!

Do you feel that this generation of young males are learning to be men?

Is it still important for men to be in that alpha role?

Are your boys on their way to being warriors?


noyb said...


Unknown said...

AMEN!!! I hope that I can equip Colt with the necessary tools to be a warrior....and that God equips him with the rest!

Anonymous said...

I'm in all day on this one. I have to remind myself regularly that my son needs a place where he can hammer, dig, fight, and generally be creative and dirty. Silly as that sounds... even removing those opportunities short-circuits the way God designed him to imagine and create. I'm well on my way toward creating a 'man-cave'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, you can. Amen. When my oldest was born, I read Wild at Heart. Now, that he is 6, I'm having to back off of the nuturing so much. It's hard on us moms, 'cause we love our little boys.

Anonymous said...

AMEN! I tend to agree. These last 15 to 20 years society have been teaching men to be like women "sensitive". One can be sensitive and yes it's a good quality but I think what senstive really means nowadays is "be more like a woman." God partnered Adam and Eve and set a pattern but Adam was the head. I think women who are really being honest (I am) would like to have a caring husband who is ready, willing and able to take his place in the family. My 26 year old son's girlfriend went up one side of him and down the other when he refused to go to a pottery class instead of golfing. I asked her, do you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Just sayin'

deleise said...

I agree. I don't get boys at all so that is causing me to lean completely on God for guidance in this. You know, like I should with all the rest of the stuff.

Anonymous said...

Roger?? Hello?? Anybody here??

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a sorority house and when my boy was a baby all my girlfriends had girl babies. It was a long road to know that it was "normal" that my son climbed to the top of the highest piece of furniture in any room and smashed anything that the girls built and made sounds to describe most of his day. I have learned to embrace all his wonderful ways and look at it as a new side of God that I've never seen. Okay, maybe not "all" his wonderful ways. I still wish he'd remember to put the seat down!