Monday, February 18, 2008


I have been in debate over if I should blog or not and thanks to my wife and a few friends I have been convinced to do so. Roll Mental Camera is a corny way to lead into my personal home movies I have stored in my brain. I often watch them and use them for life lessons. The older I get the more these lessons have changed even though the movie is still the same.

That may not make a lot of sense to those reading but over time I think it will. So lets get started.

Roll mental Camera...

Last night at Konnect we used a can of sardines to act out when Jesus ate the fish to prove that he was not a ghost and to totally gross out the kids. For anyone not familiar, Konnect is a high energy small group bible study for kids filled with games and snacks that all focus on a specific verse or story from the bible. The sardines difinitely grossed the kids out but some were actually brave enough to eat a piece. The fish also made the room stink like crazy.

That smell kept reminding me of the kids that stink up the room with their attitudes and lack of self control. I kept having to fight the smell to stay focused and keep the night moving. That is just how I feel with these kids that are always being negative or cutting up. Then it hit me, just like Jesus used the fish to prove he was alive, maybe that fish will stick in those kids mind and at some point will grab hold and show them how they need to act.

After all it isn't the good kids with all the right answers that we are after but the ones that are not on the right path. It may take a while but the effort I put in today may pay off for them in years to come and could effect generations in this child's family.

How do you feel about that kid or adult that is always stinking up the place?
How far are you willing to go to help change them?


Anonymous said...

This is great! I agree. The question really lies with me. What am I willing to do... what steps am I willing to take? It's a lot easier for me to sit back and express my irritation. Tougher to step into the opportunity and help.

Anonymous said...

I ask myself this question with adults all the time. I usually come to the conclusion that I can't change anyone. I really can't. No matter how hard I try, no matter what clever things I say it's NEVER going to happen.
Now God, on the other hand, is the ONLY one that can truly change a person. That and they have to be willing to change. But I really believe that God can soften their hearts and get them to that place where change happens.
I still try to change people. But then I quickly realize that all I'm here to do is live a life that glorifies God and listen to when He has something for me to do or say. Then He is the one that causes transformation.
ya know?
Jess G

Roger Garrett said...

Thanks Gina and Jess you guys rock. Honesty is always the best policy.

Anonymous said...

As I get older and more experienced in the whole 'raising kids' thing and 'being a grown up' thing, I more and more firmly understand that you can't make someone act/think/believe the way you think they should. I think about what the bible tells us about Jesus and the people he surrounded himself with. He was close to folks who were less than perfect. He didn't pick the ones who already had it together. Sometimes just being around people, kids, a group, can change them by watching your example. It may take awhile, it may take forever, we may never know the total impact we have and they might not, either. But to allow the grace of God to use believers as an instrument of that change - thru patience, understanding, love, example - but to not see it immediately...well, I think that's what faith is all about. Shari

Anonymous said...

It kills me to see a kid be lead away by the enemy and become rebellious. They will start to party, drink, and/or lose their virginity. They self destruct before my very eyes. I used to spend my weekends worrying about my teenagers..what were they doing...and why? They would break my heart and I would take it very personally.

Then..God made it very clear to me that they are not my sheep. We are all following one Shepherd and he knows how to care for each of them in His own way and in His time--not mine. In the meantime...everything down here just stinks.

Great post Roger...welcome to the blogworld!

Roger Garrett said...

Shari- I am so glad to hear you say that, I pray all the time for strength for you.
Blake- Thanks for the comments man hope to read more on your blog soon LOL