Wednesday, February 27, 2008


If you are a Jars of Clay fan, like I am, then you probably remember their song about having faith like a child. Something I really need more of.

Roll mental camera…

My buddies and I were sitting on our bikes one day. I was probably 8 or 9. When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a dump truck full of dirt. It rolled down our street and deposited a huge mountain of dirt at the end of the block. You could feel the electricity in the air as we all looked at each other with that Evel Knievel spirit. The fact that it sat no more than 10 feet from an intersection with no stop signs could not dissuade us. The fact that it looked 10 feet tall and as steep as Everest couldn’t hold us back. Helmets… we don’t need no stinking helmets. We were determined to jump to glory.

Bike after bike rode up the mound and down the other side. I remember like it was yesterday, launching off of the top of that mound traveling at the speed of light and doing no less than 3 back flips before hitting the ground. In all reality you might have been able to see sunlight between my tires and dirt and that is about it. But there was never a reservation. Never any doubt or fear. BLIND FAITH…

The mound only lasted a few days before the dirt was moved but that feeling has always stuck with me. I want to have that blind faith back and not second guess it. I want to filter out my own logic and reason when faith is concerned. Not the other way around.

Do you have a story of when you had blind faith as a child?

How about as an adult? That is a much harder questions isn’t it.

How do we get it back?


Unknown said...

Growing up, I was not as spiritually active as I am now....maybe spiritually active knowing Freddie Kruegar was going to get me, so what I did put my blind faith in to as a child was my Dad, to an extent, I still do to this day. I always knew that my Dad was there to catch me if I fell, to comfort me when Freddie was coming to get me in my dreams, to this day I still have the blind faith of knowing he will always be there . Today I have to have blind faith in God, because I cannot see him and I know for a fact there is no way that I could have survived to this day without his grace. I think any Christian today has blind faith, some just more than others, if you believe in Christ, you already have blind faith and did a triple back flip off of the "dirt pile" right in to His arms!! Thanks again Rog!!!

Theresa said...

Awesome post!

Thank you for your suggestion. I have made an appt with an Chiro. I was going to a really good one with the double vision. I will never forget the look of disappointment on his face when my vision didn't immediately clear up.

I have blind faith that I will be healed.