Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Drives me crazy

Yesterday's post about the "wild hair" ended up causing me distress. Why you might ask? Well maybe you wouldn't but you are going to get the response anyway.

Hope made a comment asking what "wild hair" meant and when I went to respond I was going to link the or Wikipedia answer. But all that did was prove that I am an idiot.

You see, it isn't "wild hair" it is "wild hare". I am in my late 30s and never knew it was "hare". Feel free to look it up if you want but I can't bring myself to link my own ignorance.

That is what distressed me. Ignorance like that makes me feel like a bumbkin. (Hope you will have to Google that one for yourself)

I can't even stand it if I think I am misspelling a word or using it incorrectly unless I am doing it on purpose. I would rather go through the trouble of looking it up in the dictionary or changing the word all together before I use it incorrectly. I can't even bring myself to text using any of the text lingo. I have to spell everything out.

I know... but it is my curse and I live with it.

So next time I get a "wild hare" to use a cliche' I will make sure and do the background check first.

When is the last time your own ignorance jumped up and bit you?


Anonymous said...

And next time you get a wild "hair", just pluck it out--that's what I do!

...and, I get your curse, I have the same promblem :) (and, yes, I spelled promblem wrong on purpose! It's a Strongbad reference!)

Kim Heinecke said...

Funny confession, Roger.

Don't remember the most recent time but FOREVER I thought it was "for all intensive purposes" rather than "for all intents and purposes."

Honestly, I like wild HAIR better. It' conjures up a stronger image for me.!

deleise said...

I totally thought it was hair.

Anonymous said...

Me, too deleise.

I misuse and misspell too many to count...I'm sure.

Natalie Witcher said...

IT's HARE??? Aw man!

Anonymous said...

Roger, don't feel at all stupid - I still don't know what a "wild hare" is but I'm going to check it out! I can relate to Kim, boy what a shocker it was when I found out about "all intents ...." surely "intensive" fits in well most of the time, doesn't it?? Don't ask me the words of most of the songs I sing either, cuz you'll probably give yourself a stroke laughing at me. :)