Thursday, September 18, 2008


Last but not least is the final installment of the series. I am thinking OSU needs put this in their football hall of fame.

Roll mental camera...

The entire day leading up to one particular night game was really hot. So we headed to the stadium in our hot weather selling gear, shorts and a t-shirt. Little did we know a massive cold front was on its way down for a visit.

We thought it odd that people were showing up in short sleeves but carrying coats and blankets. But we just thought they were using them for cushions. We sold a ton of drinks that first half in the heat but like clockwork the cold front pushed in at half time and the temperature drop 40 degrees in 20 minutes.

Needless to say the cold drinks dried up. Man what I would have given to be a hot chocolate vendor that day.

Planning and forethought was not in my bag of tricks back then. The world was now at this moment and nowhere else. I had no time or wanting to look down the road. Sure I paid the price freezing my butt off under the stadium, but that was part of the fun. You just never knew what tomorrow, or the second half, would bring.

Don't worry Shelly this isn't a mid-life crisis post but sometimes you just need to forget about tomorrow and live in the now. Easier said than done.

Any takers?

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