Monday, September 15, 2008


Shelly and I went to the Oklahoma State football game this weekend and it reminded of a few stories of when I was in school there.

Roll mental camera...

Some of my buddies and I used to work the OSU games selling drinks. You would think it was to get into the game for free. But sadly this was pre Boone Pickens so if you had a student ID back then you got in for free. So we did it for the money.

We didn't make much, but it was enough to buy what was important to us back then, pizza and beer. My liver thanks me every day that I outgrew that phase of my life quickly.

I wonder all the time how different my life would be today if I would have been living on the straight and narrow path back then. It is scary to think that I might not have met my wife. Would I have liked to have lived a much cleaner life back then? Sure I would have, but looking at what I have now I wouldn't change it. I have no regrets (well at least of the things I can actually remember doing)

How different is your life now compared to your early twenties?

Were you a "straight and narrow" or a "wild and crazy"?

If you would have taken the opposite path back then do you think you could be in the same place you are now?


Theresa said...

I am one of those people that wouldn't take back moments of my life because I like where I am.
If I did I would have missed out on marrying Craig. If I had kids they wouldn't be Ryan and Hope. It is all just too weird to even think about.

There are things I wish were different but not at the cost of those things.

Unknown said...

I am just too much like you! I was an avid party goer and party thrower, yes I would have liked to live a cleaner life, but would not be where I am today. I wouldn't change a single thing I did because it made me who I am today...that and I also look at it as those were all of the trials and tribulations that I had to go through to find God right where he wanted me!

Heidi said...

I was never a drinker.. Never liked it. But man I could smoke.

That's Marboro not hashish. I was in the Navy in my 20's, it actually was a good time for me.

Man Roger, thanks for making me feel so old tonight.

Natalie Witcher said...

If I hadn't gone through all that in my 20's I wouldn't be who I am today.

Kim Heinecke said...

My social life is as boring now as it was then...