Thursday, September 11, 2008


Shelly and I helped at Big Switch tonight because they were expecting and I think they had around 600 teenagers show up. All the angst and raging hormones was insane. But at least I didn't have to break up any fights.

I hope Connor stays 9 for the rest of his life. I don't think I am ready for a teenager. I am sure his mom would appreciate it to.

Ah to dream


Theresa said...

As the mother of 2 teenagers....I wish that Conner would stay 9 for you too. :)

Enjoy what is to come. LOL

Aaron said...

oh big SWITCH i heard you were massive! Thanks for your help with it!

Beloved of the Lord said...

My son is 9 too and since he's started 4th grade all they talk about is how they are working on preparing the kids for middle school-- WHAT?!! I'm not ready to talk about middle school!!

PS I think we run in the same blogger world at times.

deleise said...

I'm lovin' the teenage years so far! I know I'm not far in, but I'm claiming joyous teenage years for good. You were right, I asked Garrett and he said he couldn't place you last night.

Anonymous said...

I was at NW campus. It was LOUD and LIVELY! A really great night. The Konnect parents (grades 1-5) looked like "deer in the headlights". :)

All of mine are grown or teens now....and I'm still alive (and better because of it) to tell about it! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deleise, I'm loving the teenage years so far!

By the way, I think I might have some hearing loss from the Big SWITCH. My ears were ringing when I got home Wednesday night! You too?