Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days when you should have just rolled over and went back to sleep? Yep, I had one of those days yesterday. But I am sure the story will bring some laughter into your day so read on.

Roll mental camera…

Yesterday started off with storms at 3AM and again at 5AM so sleep was limited. Got to work and realized I was missing 3 out of 5 lug nuts on my front wheel. Quick prayer to thank God I made it alive after choking back a tirade. Into the office to put out fire after fire. Conference call that solidified some bad news I was hoping wouldn’t happen. All this before lunch.

I figured lunch would be the turning point in my day. I took clients to one of my favorite spot, P F Chang’s. The lunch was great and went very well but when I stood up to leave I felt a draft. No they didn’t turn up the air conditioner.


YES those are my pants and NO I was not in them in the picture.

My slacks, that I admit are at least 10 years old, finally gave it up and had split up the back. So from my waistband to the nether regions I was free as a bird. Thank goodness I listened to my mother and had on clean underwear (boxers not briefs). Nothing like showing a client your butt to keep the business rolling in.

But there was a silver lining. I had a great dinner with my wife and some friends. Got home and watched some funny videos with Cade and listen to Connor read his book. It is amazing what how being around the people you love can shake the blues.

Who are your blues chasers?


Robin Meadows said...

haha! So, did you let on about your pants, or just go on out of the restaurant like any other day? Thanks for the laugh....and yes, family makes everything better!

shanna said...

now that's funny!

shanna said...

now that's funny!

Natalie Witcher said...

FUNNY! My blues chaser? A Hershey's Symphony bar

deleise said...

Today my blues chaser was finding out that you split your pants. Thanks for the laugh.

Theresa said...

You are one of my Blues Chasers....Especially this post. I am laughing hard. And if I get a chance to meet you in August I will remember this post and probably start cracking up. Please go get yourself some new pants!!!

Theresa said...

UPDATE>>>> UMMMM Roger...I really didn't need the speedo vision. Especially after the rip in your pants this week. You are truly my OK Blues Chaser!!

Abbi said...

"Nothing like showing a client your butt to keep the business rolling in."
