Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Salsa is one of my favorite things. I am feeling a bit like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music singing about her favorite things. Nope sorry just a bit of heartburn all better now. Whew for a minute there I was starting to worry… awkward silence…

Roll mental camera…

So I was out at Freedom Farm tonight and the place was on fire (not literally). For those of you who do not know what freedom farm is, check it out here. This place reminds me of the salsa I so love to make. All kinds of different ingredients come together to make something really awesome. There are men and women There that are turning their lives away from drugs and alcohol through the word of God. They are old, young, black and white all devoted to letting God change them.

Without all of my super secret ingredients my salsa would just not be the same. I am not sure if freedom Farm would be the same without all the diversity, but it sure is an awesome sight. To see people from so many different backgrounds coming together and helping each other to know Jesus is so inspiring to me. I go every week and come home knowing I can be that person God wants me to be. The diversity shows me that it doesn’t matter who you are, you are loved just the same.

I think diversity makes anything better.

Is your salsa just a bowl of red paste or do you like lots of ingredients?

Is you life cookie cutter or does diversity keep you on your toes?


Kim Heinecke said...

Great thoughts!
I'm trying to be a little more deliberate with my life this year -- trying some new things, doing a few things different...I don't want to be the same ol' salsa when the calendar clicks 2009...

Natalie Witcher said...

I like diversity, but struggle to have it in my life. I agree with Kim

Anonymous said...

yyuummm! I love salsa...that looks like a pretty cool place.

Robin Meadows said...

Oh...I thought you were talking about the dance! LOL

Great post...I LOVE diversity! Hard to find sometimes in my small world, though.

Now, my salsa? LOTS of ingredients! Plenty of cilantro!

Unknown said...

You could sell YOUR salsa!!! I like a ton of ingredients in my salsa, I like it fiery hot and with a good texture, yours has all of those ingredients! I try and keep my life like your salsa, a good consistency and texture (Christ), fiery hot (spontaneity), and tons of ingredients (everything in my life that makes me...me)......We could all learn a good deal about you and each other by our salsas :)

Heidi said...

I thought I was coming over for a salsa recipe. Actually my salsa could win a blue ribbon too.

I love how you used this to describe a ministry. WOW.. Diversity we don't find people talking about that much unless its to fight for a cause. But we don't talk about it as ministries. We ARE all different. WE ALL bring something to the table different. One might be the meat, or the milk, or the salt or even the salsa. But TOGETHER we bring a feast or supper for people to see and Find Him.

Great post!!!!

Theresa said...

My favorite salsa is chunky, spicy and way more than just a paste.

Somedays I wish my life was cookie cutter. It would be so much easier. But then I can't imagine not having the variety in my life (salsa).

Roger Garrett said...

Sorry Robin no salsa dancing here.
Sorry Heidi would give it to you but then I would have to send out a hit man. But maybe since you are in Cali I could risk it...
Sorry Theresa no chunky here just a flavor explosion.
Thanks for the comments all