Wednesday, March 19, 2008


As my good friend Momma from the movie “The Waterboy” would say “taxes are the devil.” Well maybe she didn’t, but I would agree with her if she did. I know the tax deadline is still a month away but most of you have probably already filed, so enjoy.

Roll mental camera…

As I sit here doing my own taxes (because I am too cheap and pig headed to pay someone to do it), I realize that there must be a good poem, song or ditty in there somewhere. More than likely, if it were a song, it would be a country song. David Allen Coe has already sung the best country song of all time. (listen HERE if you don’t know the song I am referring to) I can’t compete with that. So I figured a poem would work.


There once was an IRS agent from Nantucket
Who demanded all the cash from my pocket

When that wasn’t enough
He dug through my stuff

But found no more and said Fiddle sticks

OK 1 more

Hickory Dickory Dock
The IRS was watching the clock

Your taxes were late
They don’t discriminate

So enjoy your time in the cell block

Alright so tax poems are corny at best. But they made me feel better about the battle I just waged. I know there are some other poets out there.

Anyone willing to share one?

A sonnet, limerick or Haiku?

How do you feel about taxes?


Anonymous said...

wow.... taxes are so not poem-worthy

P.S. - I'm unabashedly pimping my blog today (it's a guest blogger, so that's okay!). So, check it out.

Kim Heinecke said...

5 Little Pigs
This little pig went to H&R Block
This little pig did it at home
This little pig had Turbo Tax
This little pig filed an extension
This little pig cried "no, no, no" all the way to the post office.


Anonymous said...

I liked Huckabee's plan for the IRS.

Natalie Witcher said...

We pay somebody, we get money back, we like it.

Anonymous said...

you are so funny.