Monday, March 17, 2008


OK for those of you die hard sushi buffs, I know that the picture is not actually sushi. But for most of us we can live with just calling anything served in a “sushi bar” sushi. So no comments on how it is actually makizushi. For those of you who didn’t know the difference well I am not sure I helped enlighten you.

Roll mental camera…

So I had a big ol’ heapin’ helpin’ of sushi today and man it was good. Spicy tuna roll, crunchy dynamite, rock and roll, just to name a few. If you like sushi like I do then you know half the fun is reading the descriptions of the rolls. The names really tell you nothing and neither does the picture. Sometimes even the description doesn’t help. You have to be a Japanese marine biologist to know what some of that stuff is without asking. But all of that just adds to the mystery of what you are about to eat.

Unless you order something really funky, most of the rolls look really similar from the outside. Until they are cut and you pick them up with your chopsticks you are not sure what is inside. (If you use a fork to eat sushi you might be a red neck… Well I guess if you were a red neck you wouldn’t eat it you would use it as bait)

For those of you with kids you will remember Shrek talking about ogres being like onion and Donkey saying he was like parfait. I think I see a lot of sushi walking around on two legs, me included. We can all usually pick out the funky roll in a group and he is usually the most transparent of the bunch. What you see is what you get, you know it going in. But too many of us look just right from the outside covered in our seaweed or rice but underneath is _____________ (fill in the blank)

I pray everyday (OK almost everyday) that I will become more and more transparent. The less people have to employ that Japanese marine biologist to figure me out the better.

Do people need a detailed menu to figure you out?

Why is it so hard to stay unrolled and transparent?

What is you favorite roll and from where?


Anonymous said...

I am way easy to figure out. An open book.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I need a detailed menu to figure myself out! Ever feel like that? Hmmm....
We seriously need to drag our spouses out for sushi sometime. Maybe the whole group! It will be good for them. :)

Robin Meadows said...

Yeah...I'm probably just a California Roll...pretty simple, ordinary ingredients.

Chop sticks? Not me...I'd be REALLY skinny if I had to eat with them every meal! Guess I'm a redneck!

Heidi said...

I've been craving SUSHI.. Now it's 8:40 and I'm craving SUSHI. Thanks alot. I love the Phildephia roll, Spicy tuna, and eel roll, yummo Bento's sounds so good.

Me, I'm not transparent enough. There is a level where I go and don't go or allow people to go.

God is currently turning the tables though. He's writing a "new menu", He's writing a new journey. I'm unrolling and being more transparent everyday.

It takes work and Honesty. That's what the world is missing.

Heidi said...

I've been craving SUSHI.. Now it's 8:40 and I'm craving SUSHI. Thanks alot. I love the Phildephia roll, Spicy tuna, and eel roll, yummo Bento's sounds so good.

Me, I'm not transparent enough. There is a level where I go and don't go or allow people to go.

God is currently turning the tables though. He's writing a "new menu", He's writing a new journey. I'm unrolling and being more transparent everyday.

It takes work and Honesty. That's what the world is missing.

Natalie Witcher said...

People who know me...know me.

ps. sushi=nasty

Theresa said...

I am probably too transparent. I have been told that you can read me like an open book. Good and Bad. So no menu needed just open the cabinet and I spill out. LOL

Fav Roll is the Caterpillar Roll and Fiji's. Eel Cucumber rolled in seaweed with rice outside and avocado wrapped around it and the sweet sauce they put on eel.

Being a California girl I LOVE SUSHI!!

Anonymous said...

Oh cmon. Real men eat real sushi! You know, like the California roll made with real fake crabmeat! Oh and real men don't use forks either! I use my fingers. What the heck are chopsticks? (grin)
Speaking of spouses and transparency when discussing sushi, as a former SoCal resident, my discussions with my spouse over what you Okies call Sushi goes something like this: "uhm yeah honey that green stuff is real hot, no I don't think the pink stuff is some kind of raw fish...hey look! Tempura!" (grin)

Roger Garrett said...

You guys crack me up.
Jimmy, I love the green stuff, the more the better.

Robin Meadows said...

haha....the first time I saw the green stuff I thought, "Hmm...sure is a little bit of guacamole (or the Japanese equivalent of guacamole). So, I scooped up about half of it with a edamame pod....Woo-wee! Brought tears to my eyes!!

Hey, and calling me a faker since I compared myself to a California roll? (grin)

Kim Heinecke said...

I don't eat sushi because it would take too much time to acquire the taste. I've already spent that kind of time on coffee...way back when.

I'm easy to figure out. What you see is what you get. I have nothing (read: very little, ha/ha) to hide.

Good post - I almost (for one little minute) wanted to try sushi again. Impulse has now passed. whew.

Unknown said...

salmon skin, thai dynamite, sweet temptation, super white tuna.....the best!!!! Although YOU may not agree:)

I think I may be considered the "goofy, transparent" one you talk about??? At least I think so, I don't know, you tell me, what do you want to know??? :)