Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Like I said yesterday the heat makes great fodder, but this time it wasn’t the summer causing the heat.

Roll mental camera…

When I was younger I had a fascination for fire. I posted about it before in “Where there is smoke”.

Some buddies and I used to make a little fire in a tall grassy field between 2 houses across the street. We would melt chocolate in a little pan and fondue anything we could get our hands on. Boys never go for strawberries.

We did dunk butterflies, crickets, worms, rolly pollies and the occasional june bug. By the middle of the summer we had a menagerie of chocolate critters in our collection.

But one dry day I knocked over the pot and the grass caught fire. That small fire turned huge in a matter of seconds.

We ran like crazy to the house and called the fire department (anonymously of course). I was so scared when the fire department showed up my mom knew I was guilty by just looking at me. They just barely saved the houses but I just knew I was going to jail. Thank goodness caller ID had not been invented yet.

That has always reminded me how even very small things can get out of control quickly. So I tend to let God be my fire department now days and help me put it out before it rages.

Do you have any small fires burning?

Do you need to call the fire department on a big one?

Have you ever seen a chocolate covered worm?


Anonymous said...

Chocolate covered worm? Boys are so disgusting. But, I do need Him puttin' our fires every now and then.

Robin Meadows said...

I'm like you....I've learned to let God be my fire dept. And I'm still learning to not start the fires in the first place.

deleise said...

Yeah, He's always putting out my fires.

As a mommy of boys sometimes when I read your childhood adventures I start to feel a panic attack coming on. And I don't even have panic attacks.

My kids ate chocolate covered larva and chocolate covered crickets in an insect class last year.

Natalie Witcher said...

God has become the one who let's me know when the fire is getting a bit too hot. I'm quicker to extinguish things before they get out of control!

Good thought!

Theresa said...

I really wish that God would come and put out our fires. It is so sad to see all of these people lose their homes.

I know you meant it differently. I can't hurt to pray though. :)

Yuck to the chocolate covered bugs of any kind. Those poor little roly polys. :(

Heidi said...

There was this field in 1976 in Aloha Oregon with my matches and name all over it. oops!! I let it out.